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No New Posts A Deep Aura Farms

a large acreage sourounded by woods and waters; max's dad helped him get it for his Pokemon to stay at since max didn't want his Pokemon to pester elm too much. therefore, he got this; it's built on a few acres, large enough to hold several hundred pokemon without any trouble. the house is simple, if anything; it's two story, wood built, with a cellar to store things. the first level contains a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and a couple of closets. and an extra bedroom in the back, of course. the second level is accessed by a flight of stairs, and going up you will find a hall with three bedrooms and two baths. one of them belongs to max, the others empty except for naked beds and empty dressers and closets. the exterior of the farm is much different; around the better part of the farm is a white fencing, however it is just for looks; it doesn't keep the pokemon in, and they wouldn't leave anyway. nearest tot he house is a two story barn sourounded with better fencing; this is where two tarous, two rapidash, and a milktank stay. there is a window always open with a perch on the second story for flying types to stay in. the better part of the land is iragatted with a few ponds full of magikarp and feebas, and a few acres away, several trees that are oaks. within that forest is the second barn; this is for the pokemon whom like to stay away from humans, and mostly the breeding barn as well for those who need it; it's two stories, with stalls and hay blanketing them all. back near the house is a large shed where extra food and hay is stored for the pokemon; this is kept tightly locked, of course, so no one tries to steal anything. Near the middle of the farmland, there is a training court; it looks like the kind of battle arena you'd find fighting in a Pokemon League, how without the stadium, crowd, etc.

OWNER: Maxwell Smith

3 15 Whistle [OPEN]
by Maxwell Smith
Jan 11, 2013 18:08:17 GMT -6

Rolling Hills Farmland

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Rolling Hills Farmland
A place for breeders - and many other people - to buy a farmland and raise Pokemon and such. Many choose to buy acres and build up their own land rather than buy land and an already built house/etc from someone else. There are also a lot of grasses and forests around these parts in which many wild Pokemon live; everyone is welcomed to try to catch them if they are not already claimed by humans.
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